Embedded video

Embed your YouTube video or channel directly into your landing page of your bulletin. Embedding your YouTube channel gives people who aren’t attending the service in person the ability to instantly connect with your live stream.
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Embed your YouTube video or channel directly into your landing page of your bulletin. Embedding your YouTube channel gives people who aren’t attending the service in person the ability to instantly connect with your live stream.

You can also embed YouTube directly into your YouTube video link found in your social links section.

Embedding a church's YouTube channel on their bulletin allows you to showcase sermons, worship services, and other religious content directly to your visitors. 

It enhances accessibility for members who may miss services or live too far away to attend in person, provides a platform for outreach to a wider audience, and offers opportunities for engagement through likes, comments, and subscriptions. Additionally, it can serve as an archive of past events and teachings for future reference.

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Embedded video
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